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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Some Street Art I like in (Kakaako) Honolulu

Pow Wow Hawaii 2012 brought street artists from around the world to paint in the streets of Honolulu...
One of my favorites because of the vent shades and....

this detail of a skater doing a gorilla grip with his toes.

I like this dude with the paint brush.

Some wisdom.

My Homeboy Beak3 with the rad aloha shirt and classic graf techniques.

This one blew me away. Dude killed it.

This one too. All the art is so rad.
And I'm not gonna lie, it made me realize I have to paint more.
If you are ever in Honolulu, cruise the streets of Kakaako on and enjoy.


  1. the first 3 are from good friedns of mine. i love the surf and skate theme

  2. Your blog is wonderful, I really enjoyed ... very beautiful ...

    Brazilian art and culture
