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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Artist Check Out: Eric Lindveit

This is the work of my friend and past boss, Eric Lindveit. Usually when you think of a boss, you think, A-hole or something negative. With E.L. this was not the case. He taught me how to work with precision, and the concept of being hyper-aware. But more importantly the man is an inspiration. If the digital documentation doesn't do his work justice, all I have to say is I hope you get to see this work in person. It is truly phenomenal. His work in short are enlarged tree zoom-ins made with materials such as acrylic, burlap, paper, sawdust... And no matter how close you get, the realness gets more real. 

This work is in its own realm.
Look for the photo of his studio and you can get an idea of the size of most of these pieces (about the size of a bed mattress)
Investigate this guy, and if you live in New York, track his work down if you want to have your mind blown.

1 comment:

  1. Thats the man thats the men
    nice way to let em know how it
    is and beyond.
    Eric continues to blow my mind 10 years plus+
    relax and enjoy
    what ever you do dont sleep!!!!!!!!!
