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Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday Shark Sighting

Today was pretty epic.
I went on a snorkel date with wife Marisa and saw sharks for the first time.
Usually while surfing someone else sees one and that's enough for me to paddle in.
One time a few years back my friend saw one while surfing and swam down to go see it.

I thought he was crazy. But today that was me.
It was kind of scary but... they sleep during the day and hunt at night.
And some life guards told me where to look so...

After snorkeling we went for lunch and a couple of beers at Kona Brewery.
Our friend Ashley from Baby Awearness babysat for us.
Picked up Hayden at 1:30 and went home.

borrowed a chop saw from brother Rob Duncan who lives down the street.
worked on a wood project for two hours,
then got picked up by Ethan Lau at 5 o'clock for a sunset surf down the street at Ala Moana Bowls.

He said, tell me how this word makes you feel.... April.
Doesn't it sound so nice. And the sun was setting. And the vibe was all April.
We were crackin' up getting chilly. "This is the coldest I've ever been in my life!"
Laughin' so hard. Yeah you should come to New York.

Yes I'm a romantic. But hey. Why not. I'm over the punk stage.

Ethan said, "This crowd is youthful isn't it?"
Everyone (under 30 except me, but who's counting) fresh and light gold,
The place is usually packed with locals of all ages, but everyone I guess got there's 
and were all surfed out.

My last wave I talked into a small barrel which is always rad. The sun was already down.
Ethan rips and is always an honor and trip to surf with.
He surfs a mini (maybe 5'0) Tropical Blends Single fin with no leash.

Now that I come to think of it every day with friends and family is an honor.

Then I got dropped off by 7:30 for dinner with Hayden and Marisa.
Washed some dishes and read a book to Hay with Mom at 8:15pm.
Then folded laundry and straightened up the house for Monday.
Good night.

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